Teaching assistant professors with concurrent employment in the architectural profession for Aarhus School of Architecture


BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

Aarhus School of Architecture is pleased to announce several teaching assistant professor positions open to applicants who are concurrently employed in the architectural profession. The positions are part-time positions with a focus on teaching in the school's bachelor's and master's degree programmes.

Aarhus School of Architecture trains architects to the highest level and is one of Europe's most renowned schools of architecture. The school's foundation is rooted in a Scandinavian architectural tradition that highly values social responsibility, the understanding of space, and craftsmanship. We wish to further strengthen this position.

In order to achieve our ambition of offering the school's students a closer and more ongoing contact with the practicians of the architectural profession, we are looking for skilled architects with experience from both practice and teaching who can contribute to developing further the education we offer based on the school's pedagogy and didactics within the school's overall vision: 'Engaging through Architecture'.

Applicants for the position are expected to participate in developing further our architectural education and ensure its conceptual, architectural and methodological foundation. It is this foundation that guarantees the school's students are given a good and professionally and academically ambitious start to their studies. And the foundation is also necessary to, also in the future, make it possible for Aarhus School of Architecture to train strong graduates.

The positions are open from 1 September 2023 or as soon as possible after this date. 

The positions

Teaching associate professor positions with concurrent architectural employment are time-limited, part-time (25-50%) teaching positions. The place of work is Aarhus School of Architecture. The positions involve:

  • Teaching on a weekly basis in the Bachelor's or Master's degree programmes in cooperation with the school's Head of Education, education coordinators, and academic staff
  • Developing teaching further, including courses and networks involving national as well as international institutions relevant to the focus of the position
  • Participating in general tasks that benefit the institution as a whole, including assessments, the admission of new students, and other development projects at institutional level

Employment is limited to six years. In connection with employment, teaching assistant professors with concurrent employment in the architectural profession may qualify for assessment as teaching associate professors. 

Salaries and terms of employment are in accordance with the collective agreement with the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC-fællesoverenskomsten).

Your qualifications

Aarhus School of Architecture is looking for employees with a high professional level, experience from practice, and good pedagogical skills who are skilled and interested in communicating and collaborating with others.  

We also expect applicants to possess the language skills necessary for teaching in either Danish or English and to be able to express themselves clearly in the relevant subject area in one of the two languages in both writing and speech. 

You are expected to learn Danish at user level in the course of your employment.

Applicants also need to provide documentation of the following: 

  • Having graduated from a recognised architectural programme
  • A minimum of three years' practical experience acquired through employment or by working independently as an architect combined with concurrent employment in an architecture studio or another type of relevant architectural practice
  • Teaching experience within the subject area

What we can offer you

At Aarhus School of Architecture we offer you a creative and innovative research and teaching environment. Being a Scandinavian institution of architecture, we have a long-standing tradition of cultivating a local approach to architecture alongside a strong international focus.

In 2021 we moved into Denmark's first new-built school of architecture, located in the heart of Aarhus: a building that contains greatly expanded workshop facilities that contribute to strengthening our practice-oriented teaching and our opportunities for experimenting with materials and building-technical solutions. See the school's facilities

As an employee of Aarhus School of Architecture, you will be involved with your colleagues in many contexts, as part of large as well as small groups. We believe in creating the best possible framework for an attractive and vibrant workplace through mutual recognition and by focusing on cooperation.

More information

Please direct any questions about the positions to Head of Education Rasmus Grønbæk Hansen (T:+45 8936 0237 or E:rh@aarch.dk).

The application deadline and the recruitment procedure

The application deadline is 12.00 noon, Friday 16 June 2023, at which time we need to have received your application in digital form via the schools website.

Please upload the following along with your application: 

  • A copy of certificate for exams you have passed on the master's level
  • Your CV
  • A portfolio of selected examples of your professional practice (no more than 20 MB)

In connection with the interview, we may gather references for applicants to whom we expect to offer employment.

Everyone - regardless of gender, race, religion or ethnicity - is welcome to apply.

Please note that the positions will be advertised and filled in accordance with the Ministry of Higher Education and Science's Order of 12 April 2019 regarding the employment of artistic and academic staff at the higher educational institutions of fine arts under the scope of the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science .


Aarhus School of Architecture shortlists applicants. Shortlisting means that only those applicants who, based on an overall assessment, best match the needs of the school are selected for further academic assessment. This selection is based on the formal and academic requirements for applicants stated in the call. All applicants will be informed of whether or not their application has been shortlisted for assessment.

Following this, an assessment committee reviews the selected applicants in relation to the specific positions.

Our vision

At Aarhus School of Architecture we believe that architecture should influence the world and create sustainable frameworks for the people who inhabit it. This is why we train architects who are able to create value for the community in a changing world through new ideas and relevant solutions. A world that increasingly challenges us to think creatively in order to exist, live and thrive.

We do this by working closely together with other professional groups, by embracing new technologies, by daring to experiment and by constantly acquiring new skills.

We use our artistic approach to find new ways. We come up with new answers by means of scientific studies. And our theoretical knowledge is transformed into professional skills through practical application.

Our ambition is to be a Scandinavian elite institution for the development of architecture. We wish to train the best architects by admitting the most suitable applicants - the most talented and motivated students.

We assume responsibility for and engage in the society we are a part of.

Engaging through Architecture.

Learn more about the school at aarch.dk  


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Arkitektskolen Aarhus, Exners Plads, 8000 Aarhus C


Ansøgningsfrist: 16-06-2023; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

Ved skriftlig henvendelse: https://aarch.dk/studieadjunkter-med-sideloebende-arkitektfaglig-beskaeftigelse-til-arkitektskolen-aarhus-2/

Se mere her: https://job.jobnet.dk/CV/FindWork/Details/5838653

Denne artikel er skrevet af Emilie Bjergegaard og data er automatisk hentet fra eksterne kilder, herunder JobNet.
Kilde: JobNet